In our early discussions about adopting a dog we discussed how we wanted to train him and feed him etc., many choices we disagreed on making it an annoying, yet educational process. I wanted to be a good dog mom, but I also wanted to respect my boyfriend’s opinions (he tends to be a bit more laid back), so we had to do a little give and take.
Remy is a real joy, although a handful. I was worried about how a rescue dog would connect with us, but with Remy we don’t have that issue. He will follow us everywhere, waiting outside the bathroom door when I shower and always at my feet when I walk around the apartment. He also loves to lie down in the funniest positions, often propped up, or with his head hanging down. It has been such a learning process for me and I definitely appreciate my parents a lot more after getting a small taste of what it is like to care fore something and love something so much. It makes me think of my sister who is due in a week or two. I can’t wait to see her blossom into a wonderful mother.
I love it Hayl! I can't wait to meet Remy and Gracie too!